Astronomical events in October written by Aayush Mehta
We have come to accept that practically everything in the cosmos is incomprehensibly far away from us, even if interstellar contact could be established it would take Years? Decades? Century? or more for the information to be transmitted. So with the help of the resources, knowledge and information we have, we predict the upcoming celestial events of October and here they are
1) Jupiter Saturn Moon Parade (7th October 2022)
Jupiter and Saturn, the largest planet and the planet with the maximum number of rings respectively, will both pass very near to our moon on October 7. These three heavenly bodies are going to be extremely close to one another despite being millions of km apart , one can see it easily with the help of an unaided eye but if you are an astrophotographer and you want some adorable images of Saturn’s Rings and Jupiter’s moons then get ready and don’t miss out on the amazing opportunity.

2) Draconid Meteor Shower (9th October 2022)
The debris or remnants of the Comet Jacobin’s Zinner is returning this year to give some stunning displays of shooting stars in the Draconid meteor shower. It will be active from 6th to 10th October. Its peak can be seen on October 9th, try to observe the Draco’s Constellation. This is going to be 5 to 10 meteors per hour which can be easily seen between 7:30 P.M. to 5 A.M.

3) Mercury at greatest elongation West (9th October 2022)
Mercury’s orbit is closer to the sun than that of the earth which means that it always appears close to the sun and because of the sun’s brightest most of the time making it extremely difficult to observe it for a few days, each time it reaches it’s the greatest separation from the sun and also called the greatest elongation, this phenomenon repeats itself approximately once every three to four months and occurs alternatively during morning or afternoon depending on whether mercury is to the East or West of the Sun. Mercury will reach its greatest elongation at 18:52 UTC when it is located 18 degrees East of the Shining brightly.
4) Sanguine Moon( 10th October 2022)
The moon is now reaching its full moon phase throughout the following few nights, the moon’s front desk will shine strongly towards the earth, additionally, the October full moon is also known as Sanguine or Hunter Moon which symbolizes providing positivity in difficult times, it is a fascinating time to savor the splendor of our moon.

5) Orionid Meteor Shower(21st October 2022)
The most adorable meteor shower of this month, on October 2nd the Orionid meteor shower which is caused by the Halley’s Comet’s Debris will appear in our city’s night sky and it will continue to do so through November 7th so don’t miss the peak of this shower on 21st October and when compared to other mid-year meteor showers the rate of meteors falling on the night of the peak is predicted to be exceptionally high at 15-20 per hour and try to keep an eye on Orion constellation that is going to be the point of radiation and the best time to observe the shower is between 10:30 P.M. to 6:30 A.M. local time for the finest visibility.

6) October Star Party at Dehene Village (29th October 2022)
Are you from Mumbai?
if your answer is yes and you love to see different celestial objects, constellations,stars and planets then this is going to be an amazing event for you. Come join us in the Star party. Its going to be an amazing Stargazing and Camping at Dehene .
Visit for more details.