Moon, Saturn Conjuction, September Equinox And Other Exciting Events To See This Month.

“Top Astronomical events in September 2022.” -written by Aayush

September! This Virgo season is going to be called the month of unexpected events, so pack your bags and Stargazing stuff and mark the dates on your calendar to see several Jaw dropping celestial events of your life. A celestial event is an astronomical phenomenon of interest that involves one or more celestial objects(planet, star, asteroid, comet, moon, etc.). Some of these prominent events can be seen in the upcoming September month, beginning with the Aurigid Meteor Shower which will be active from 28th August 2022 to 5th September 2022. At its peak i.e. 1st of September 2022, we will see 6 meteors per hour and there will be a strong possibility of perceiving shooting stars in the night at this time along with the beautiful constellation “Auriga”.

Next comes the Saturn-Moon Conjunction. According to NASA,conjunction is a celestial event in which two planets, a planet and moon or a planet and a star appear close together in the night sky. On 8th September Saturn and Moon will be sharing a common spot that can be seen via telescopes. The distance between the Moon as well as Saturn is too long but they’ll align themselves in the field of the telescope to give us a mesmerizing view with the “Capricornus” constellation and the moon will be called as “Moon of Saturn”. Jupiter and Saturn are going to be the planetary companions for this entire month in the evenings. On the 9th you will find the trio of Jupiter, Moon and Saturn rising in the Southeast direction around 10:00 P.M.

11th September is going to be a big opportunity for Jupiter lovers, they will be able to observe its four moons even with the help of a binocular or a small telescope. One can see Mars hanging high in the mornings of early September one hour before sunrise and this can be seen near the orange-colored Aldebaran (the eye of Taurus, the bull). In the later days, it is going to be in the eastward direction of Betelgeuse(the second brightest star of the Orion Constellation, which is generally red). It will be creating a kind of Red triangle in the Sky an hour before the Sunrise.

September Equinox is one of the most awaited celestial events as it marks the beginning of fall in the Northern Hemisphere and Spring in the Southern Hemisphere. NASA defines Equinox as the time when the sun is above the equator(an imaginary line dividing the earth into Northern and Southern Hemisphere) and day and night will be of equal length.

Overall, it’s going to be an amazing Virgo season i.e. September! We’ll see the 1st quarter of the moon on 3rd September, the full moon on 10th, the third quarter on 17th, and the New moon on 25th.

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