Luna 25

Chandrayaan-3’s Triumph at the Moon’s South Pole

Amidst the cosmic ballet, our Moon shines as an enduring fascination. On August 23, 2023, India’s Chandrayaan-3’s graceful landing at the lunar south pole marked a significant achievement. This moment resonates not just in science but in the hearts of dreamers worldwide, adding a new chapter to our lunar saga.

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Chandrayaan 3

CHANDRAYAAN 3- MOVIE AFTER THE LANDING!! Chandrayaan I, Chandrayaan II, Chandrayaan IV

Chandrayaan I, India’s 2008 lunar mission, achieved its primary goal of deploying a lunar rover using an Indian-made launch vehicle. It successfully landed on November 14, 2008, transmitting data to its mother satellite, including the discovery of water in lunar soil. Despite technical challenges, it operated for about 317 days, making significant scientific contributions.

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Luna 25

Unexpected Glitch on Luna-25’s Journey: What Happened?

Russia’s Luna-25 spacecraft faced challenges during its approach to the moon’s landing orbit, launched on August 10, 2023, marking Russia’s return to lunar exploration after 47 years. Similar to Chandrayaan-3, both missions target the moon’s south pole, intending to study lunar elements like dust particles and plasma.

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